On the 17th June 2016, National Care Home Open Day, a nationwide initiative takes place, inviting care homes to connect with local communities by hosting activities and events, designed to recognise the amazing work that care facilities provide. Radio Horton is proud to broadcast an exclusive music request programme for residents of local care homes from 2-5pm.
Established in 2012, National Care Home Open Day was created to showcase excellence in Care Homes and how they can be the hubs of local communities, forming friendships and relationships across multiple generations. Now in its fourth year, the annual theme for 2016 is “Celebration” and participating care homes can decide what to celebrate, suggesting the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations, the UEFA European Championship or the forthcoming Olympic Games in Rio.
For the first time, Radio Horton has reached out to care homes in Banbury and the surrounding areas, with plans to host a special music request programme catering for residents of community care facilities. Programme Coordinator, Sam Smette said: “Radio Horton has strived to provide patients in the Horton General Hospital with a hospital broadcasting service with weekly request shows. We have for some time, been looking to expand and target a wider audience, the residents of our local care homes, so this is an exciting opportunity.”
Activity coordinators from several local nursing homes have been asked to submit song requests from their residents to Radio Horton, which will be played on Up for the Weekend, a weekly show fronted by presenters, John and Maria Mayo on National Care Home Open Day from 2-5pm. The care homes are able to stream Radio Horton’s live audio feed in their communal areas during this time, and residents and family members are encouraged to participate.

Presenters, John & Maria Mayo will host the care home request programme as part of their show.
One of the Care Homes participating in the initial programme is The Ridings, where the station’s late co-founder Ted Hanson (MBE) resided.
Radio Horton hopes to develop this feature as a more regular programme on its schedule, with the ultimate ambition to broadcast programmes live from a different Care Home each time. Smette continues “With the technology we have available today, we can present live programmes back to the hospital and beyond, from just about anywhere with a high speed internet connection!”
In a recent survey carried out for Care Home Open Day by 4Media Research, 43% of those surveyed, believed it was important for regular activities in care homes, whilst 51% agreed building friendships in care homes was important for loved ones as they begin a new chapter in their lives.