On 21st April 2016, Radio Horton brought live to patients’ bedsides the Welcome Service and Licensing of Reverend Dr. Geoff Morgan as Team Chaplain for the Horton General Hospital within the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Bishop Colin Fletcher OBE of Dorchester, licensing Revd. Dr Geoff Morgan as Team Chaplain at the Horton General Hospital
Opening the service, Lead Chaplain, Revd. Canon Dr. Margaret Whipp said: “It’s my joy to welcome today everybody who’s attended. Members of staff from the hospital; patients and family members; members of the Chaplaincy team; representatives from local faith communities; Bishop Colin and Geoff Morgan who will be licensed as our new team Chaplain for the Horton Hospital and across the wider Trust.”
The Horton has remained for a significant time without a permanent Team Chaplain. Whipp continued: “We also know that for sometime this service here has been without the regular service of a Team Chaplain and this has been missed, nobody has had a specific responsibility to visit the Horton on behalf of the team.”
“Chaplaincy care is for everyone.”, explained Whipp. “Geoff [Morgan] is here as an Anglican priest and for that reason he will be licensed for his ministering in a public setting by Bishop Colin Fletcher (OBE) of Dorchester. We are also, I should warn you, live on Radio Horton and we are very grateful indeed, for that to take place.”