Community Projects


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Radio Horton – good for the community

In addition to supporting the Horton General Hospital, Radio Horton is bringing health and wellbeing radio into the local community.

We are establishing relationships with local community-based organisations in and around Banbury to:

 Extend the benefits of health and wellbeing radio

 Improve wellbeing and reduce boredom, isolation and loneliness by providing companionship, entertainment, information and connection to the wider community

 Provide a connection to memories. Research undertaken by Age UK has found how music can be powerful for people with dementia

 Support the NHS as it works to reduce the need for patients to stay in hospital for lengthy periods of time, providing care through community services.

 Support care staff. We are hearing how our service is enhancing staff wellbeing.

Care home Service

Our Care home Service began during the pandemic when we worked with the Voices Across Time musical theatre team to create special programmes for care homes. The service is now established, and we have seen the power of radio for ourselves in the homes we support. Read a recent news story. We work flexibly with care homes to bring radio to them and their residents.

 Community Projects and other health and care settings

Our Community Projects Service is bespoke, designed to work alongside organisations to fit around and complement activities. We are happy to meet to discuss your requirements, whether your setting is residential, independent living, or you operate a club providing support.

Ways we can work with community projects and organisation include playing requests, teaming up for events and activities, and promoting events. Our programming is on air 24/7, all year round, providing a variety of programmes to cater for a wide range of interests.

Get in touch with Julie Baker, our Community Projects Coordinator who will be delighted to have a chat with you, arrange a call, or visit to discuss how we can help and next steps.

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